Cucuteni figurines: a series of monotype prints, unique images produced by hand, using printmaking techniques but without a press, They are the result of close contact with the Moldavian landscape and the 6500 year old anthropomorphic figurines of the Cucuteni culture in Romania.
Goddess images are in part improvisations that extend the energies of their markings into their surroundings. The process of the monotypes' composition is a meditation and invocation of these healing energies.
see more about this work here
Goddess images are in part improvisations that extend the energies of their markings into their surroundings. The process of the monotypes' composition is a meditation and invocation of these healing energies.
see more about this work here
Cucuteni Goddess 6
Cucuteni Goddess 3
Cucuteni Goddess 1
Cucuteni Goddess 5
Cucuteni Goddess 2 - Scanteia
Cucuteni goddess - Scanteia
Cucuteni Goddess 6b
Cucuteni Goddess 9
Over the Siret
Cucuteni Forest Moon Goddess
Cucuteni Goddess - Draguseni
Cucuteni Goddess - Cucuteni Pintadera triptych
Cucuteni Pintadera triptych
Cucuteni gilded soil
Tracing Venus' origins
Cucuteni - at the Omphalos
Winter in Ruginoasa
Cucuteni Goddess roots
La Tour Abolie
Cucuteni Contours Goddess
Cucuteni Goddess - the way from the abyss
Ariusd bowl
Obileni vessel - the ladder
Draguseni at the altar
Valea Lupului (monotype)
Valea Lupului (watercolor)
Ruginoasa crossroads
Moldavia, thunderhead
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